At Stack Shipping, we understand that some goods are larger than the standard dimensions and require extra space during transportation. That's why we offer high cube containers as a solution for shipping your oversized goods. With our high cube containers, you can send goods that are taller than the standard container height, giving you more flexibility in transporting your cargo.

Extra Height for Oversized Goods

Our high cube containers have the same length and width as standard containers but provide additional height. While standard containers have a height of 8.6 feet (2.59 meters), high cube containers have a height of 9.6 feet (2.89 meters). This extra height allows you to ship goods that exceed the standard dimensions and prevents your cargo from being limited by the available space. Whether it's machinery, construction materials, furniture, or other oversized goods, our high cube containers offer the space you need.

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Secure Protection for Oversized Goods

Our high cube containers not only provide extra space but also offer the same quality and security as our standard containers. They are made of durable steel and feature strong locking systems to protect your goods during transportation. Moreover, they are designed according to ISO standards (International Organization for Standardization) and meet the highest quality and safety requirements in the industry. You can trust that your oversized goods will be safe and protected in our high cube containers.

Efficient Loading and Unloading

While high cube containers provide additional height, they have the same width and length as standard containers. This means they can be loaded and unloaded just as efficiently as standard containers. They fit easily on ships, trains, and trucks and can seamlessly integrate with other modes of transportation. Using high cube containers ensures a smooth transition between different transport stages and minimizes the need for extra handling or adjustments.

Contact Us Today

Contact us today for more information about our high cube container services. Our expert team is ready to answer your questions, discuss your specific needs, and provide a customized solution that meets your requirements. Whether you need to transport oversized goods within Europe, to other continents, or globally, we have the expertise and capacity to successfully manage your shipments.

Request a quote today and discover how we can assist you in transporting your oversized goods.  REQUEST A QUOTE

High Cube Container